My Reading Slump in the Time of Corona

Like many others, I’ve been having a hard time reading this year. Trying to keep up with the news, being anxious about the state of the world, taking precautions like washing hands and obsessing over cleanliness in general leaves you physically and mentally drained.

Also, I just could not bring myself to read books and gush about them during a pandemic. It would be similar to Nero fiddling when Rome burned. Not that I have the power of an emperor to make a difference to the situation, but it still felt that way. Continue reading “My Reading Slump in the Time of Corona”

7 Tips to get through the Coronavirus Lockdown

Many countries are currently enforcing restrictions on mass movements to curb the spread of coronavirus. Some have a nation-wide lockdown as a preventive measure. All non-essential businesses are shut down and people who can’t work from home are to be given leave. Only the essential service workers are allowed to go out. Police monitor the streets and people who roam around unnecessarily can be imprisoned. Continue reading “7 Tips to get through the Coronavirus Lockdown”

How to make your reading habit less expensive

This post is part 3 of the Reading 101 series. Say you’ve taken an interest in reading, formed a reading habit and learned to make time for reading. Sooner or later you will find that it can be pretty expensive to sustain a reading habit. Depending on whether you like to read only physical books or if you are okay with any format of books, there are ways to make your reading habit cost less or nothing at all. Continue reading “How to make your reading habit less expensive”

Common ways people fool themselves

We all lie to ourselves. We all fool ourselves. In lieu of April fool’s day, let me summarize some ways in which people fool themselves and how to get out of that. I’m not going to talk about psychology or rational theories on how cognitive biases work. This is just a layman’s view based on day to day life. Here goes:

  • Harbouring self-sabotaging thoughts

No one is perfectly capable of assessing their ability and self-worth. While some people overestimate their competence, others constantly Continue reading “Common ways people fool themselves”

Chennai Cyclone Experience

Last December, I had written a post on surviving the Chennai floods. This year, it is about the Cyclone. For those of you not in the know, there was a super cyclone that made landfall near Chennai on December 12th, 2016, disrupting life in the Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.

Continue reading “Chennai Cyclone Experience”

42 Quotes from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

If you’re not familiar with the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (or H2G2 in short), you’re probably wondering why I’m listing 42 quotes from a series. It is not a multiple of 5 or 10, not a prime number, there is nothing special associated with it, so it’s kind of odd to list 42 quotes right? Well, the answer is at the end of the post. And if you read the Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, which I strongly recommend, you may also develop a liking for this number.

Continue reading “42 Quotes from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

What I learnt from the Chennai Floods

A cyclone formation and water logging of some areas are common during Chennai monsoons. This year, however, we had torrential rains that took many lives, ruined houses and made the lives of innumerable people miserable all over Tamil Nadu. Compared to these victims, I had a smooth ride. This post summarizes my experience and learning.

Chennai Rain
Courtesy –

Continue reading “What I learnt from the Chennai Floods”